Environment protection – the greatest challenge of our time
Our expertise: Environment & Sustainability
What has once been damaged is not so easy to restore in most cases, especially not when our environment is at stake. For this reason, we take a holistic approach to protecting, caring for and developing our natural environment. Yet sometimes this is not enough and balancing action is needed. For instance, when land has been permanently transformed by building projects. In such cases we deliver convincing, future-oriented solutions.
Our interdisciplinary team of engineers, geologists, geoecologists and biologists supports and assists you through all planning stages and all planning permission procedures. We evaluate encroachment on the environment using impact assessments and prepare a corresponding catalogue of measures. We also offer you the full range of services for landfill projects, from identifying and surveying sites to the overall planning and comprehensive post-closure concepts.

We offer the following services
- Regional planning
- Environmental impact assessment studies (EIA)
- FFH impact studies
- Ecological studies and mapping
- Reports on the protection of species
- Environmental due diligence
- Preliminary and detailed landscape design
- Watercourse and wetland design; preventive flood alleviation
- Cities
- Roads
- Airports
- Pipelines
- Plants